"Biology, Brokenness, Bodies, and Beauty" Series and Resources

During Lent 2018 I put forward a series of sermons on "Biology, Brokenness, Bodies, and Beauty". I addressed these questions (and more): Is our biology important?  Do our bodies matter? Why am I male? Why am I female? What does any of this say about us as humans made in God's image? My plan in this series was not only to answer these questions, but to pass on a far more stunning and splendid perspective of our human sexuality than is being masterminded and marketed in our society today. 

Here are the sermon titles, in order, that are linked to the audio files:

The following is a (sample) list of resources for those who desire to go deeper and get the other side of the story:

Why Gender-Specific Medicine Matters in the Emergency Department: http://epmonthly.com/article/why-gender-specific-medicine-matters-in-the-emergency-department/

‘Love Does Not Delight in Evil, but Rejoices With the Truth.’ A Theological and Pastoral Reflection On My Journey Away From A Homosexual Identity:  by Revd Dr Sean Doherty: https://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/j/anv.2014.30.issue-1/anv-2013-0011/anv-2013-0011.pdf

Normalizing Gender Dysphoria is Dangerous and Unethical (American College of Pediatricians): http://www.acpeds.org/normalizing-gender-dysphoria-is-dangerous-and-unethical

Dr. Paula Johnson: “His and Her Healthcare” (TED Talk): https://www.ted.com/talks/paula_johnson_his_and_hers_healthcare  
“Today, we know that every cell has a sex. Now, that's a term coined by the Institute of Medicine. And what it means is that men and women are different down to the cellular and molecular levels. It means that we're different across all of our organs. From our brains to our hearts, our lungs, our joints.”

Christian Medical and Dental Association’s “Transgender Identification” Ethics Statement: https://www.cmda.org/library/doclib/transgender.pdf

“Beauty, Order, and Mystery” ed. By Gerald Hiestand and Todd Wilson – My Review: http://mphilliber.blogspot.com/2018/01/beauty-order-and-mystery-ed-by-gerald.html

Living Out” is a website resource, full of articles, video testimonies and a wealth of other assets. These are men and women who are/or have been, same-sex attracted but have been captured by the Gospel and are seeking to walk in Jesus’ way: http://www.livingout.org/

Walt Heyer and sex-change regret. Heyer tells his story of gender reassignment and regret: (1) http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2015/04/14688/ (2) http://www.sexchangeregret.com/ (3) http://thefederalist.com/2015/08/19/transgender-regret-is-real-even-if-the-media-tell-you-otherwise/

There are plenty of reasons to be encouraged and hopeful, and these sermons and resources are meant to do just that. But also, these are intended to help us to love our neighbors better and more wholesomely.



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