"In Assurance We Lift Our Hearts to You" - 24 May 2020

In assurance we lift our hearts to you, O our God. As Jonathan told his armor bearer when heavily outnumbered, yet taking the daring risk to engage the Philistines, “ nothing can hinder the LORD from saving by many or by few ” (1 Samuel 14:6). We, too, are assured that there is nothing, no one, no condition, no circumstance, no competitor, no cerebral malfunction, no failure of courage, no catastrophe that can hinder you from saving, rescuing, and triumphing! And therefore, there is no created thing out there or in here that can separate us from your love! Truly in all these things we are more than conquerors, and the seal, the guarantee of this truth is Christ crucified for our transgressions, risen for our justification (Romans 8:37-39, 4:25), and ascended into heaven to hold sway! We pray on behalf of your Church world-over, this congregation, St. Andrew’s UMC, St. Mark’s UMC, St. Matthew’s UMC and Salt UMC. Raise up a defense around your people that the evil one may never get a ...