"Come, Holy Spirit!" - 28 May 2023

Creator God who in the beginning made all things of nothing by the power of your word, and all very good; whose Spirit hovered over all that was formless and void to bring forth order and life. We pray for your Spirit to hover over us; and we pray that your Spirit would continue to cause the earth to bring forth bountifully. We pray: Come, Holy Spirit! Revealing God, who assigned prophets, judges, and Psalmists to bring forth your decrees, directions, and adulations and clothed them with your Spirit who guided them and testified through them of the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories; cloth us with your Spirit that we may bravely serve you and our neighbors in love and truth. We pray: Come, Holy Spirit! Holy God who sent your Son Jesus Christ into the world that through him we might have life; and after his death, burial, resurrection and ascension, you sent forth your Holy Spirit by your Son, so that we would not be left as orphans; may we know that our Lord Jesu...