"Urban Hinterlands" by Sean Benesh. A Review

Urban Hinterlands: Planting the Gospel in Uncool Places by Sean Benesh My rating: 4 of 5 stars In this teeny 94 page paperback, Sean Benesh, developer of Urban Strategy and Training for TEAM, Church planter, and accomplished author, gently challenges a modern trend in church planting. Instead of automatically going into the sexy city and mod midtown, the author writes "about church planting in seemingly unlivable places" (44); "in cities or neighborhoods that many have written off. Uncool. Unappealing. Unlivable. Sketchy" (77); "to begin shifting our attention toward uncool neighborhoods and cities" (79). That's the book in a nutshell, yet the shelves and chiffoniers of this essay are filled in with personal stories, facts, figures and rationale. Though Benesh is primarily focusing on church planters rethinking where they are called to go, nevertheless this little manual is a valuable re-assessment for those pastoring and ministering in estab...