"God of Might and Power" - 26 September 2021

Yahweh, God of might and power, who made all things, and then lavished good things upon us and still do; thank you that you give us all things richly to enjoy, you open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. You who know all things, whose eyes run to and fro through the whole earth beholding the good and evil, from whom no creature is hidden, but all are naked and exposed to your eyes; hear the groaning of those weighed down under stress or distress (…); see the grief of those who have lost loved ones (…); give ear to those groaning under their suffering (…); take note of those shackled and shamed by injustice or bigotry from above or below (…); give heed to the ones who are unfairly incarcerated or enslaved (…). For all who are in these situations and others, we cry out to you on their behalf imploring you to raise them up, refresh them, restore their wholesome dreams, and set them free. Spirit of God who hovered over that which a...