"Posting Peace" by Douglas S. Bursch. A Review

(You can purchase the book here ) We’ve seen it more times than we care to count. Someone puts out their opinion (sometimes stating it as fact) on social media, then within minutes snarky replies show up in the comments. The snarky begins to devolve into snide, then spiteful, and finally an outright extreme verbal cage fight. The saddest part is that maybe some of the combatants claim to be Christians or are people we know. This scene has become so endemic that social media and verbal fisticuffs have become synonymous. Therefore, Douglas S. Bursch, copastor of Evergreen Foursquare Church in Auburn, Washington, former newspaper columnist and talk radio host, has presented a timely work addressing this exact phenomenon. “Posting Peace: Why Social Media Divides Us and What We Can Do About It” is a 208-page paperback that delves into the way we are online, its consequences, and how to approach our internet presence with a whole new set of methods. The author’s pr...