Thanksgiving: Centerpiece of the Faith

(This was part of my letter to my congregation this week) As we have worked through the topic of prayer on Sunday evenings, I have said regularly that Christians in North America are some of the most whiny, complaining, shrill people there are. We worry about everything, pray about nothing, and complain without ceasing. I would add to this that our social environment in this country is becoming more and more ungrateful. Across the generations – from Boomers and GenX to Millenials and GenZ – we are increasingly thinking we’re entitled and have a right to prosperity, etc. Therefore, we grumble, grouse, and gripe, world without end. But Scripture tells us that we Christians are to be some of the most thankful people in our country and community. In fact, thanksgiving is a centerpiece of the Faith. Being a thankful people is a serious, Gospel-driven, Christian trait, “ Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in th...