"We are bold to pray to you; O Lord God, Mighty God" - 20 September 2015 A.M and P.M.

Sunday A.M. Because of Jesus, because of your Holy Spirit, and because of your strongly guaranteed promises, we are bold to pray to you; O Lord God, Mighty God. Bring the unruliness and agitation of all the nations of this world to a place of peace, orderliness, and the rule of just law ( esp. the tumultuous realm Afghanistan, the distressed nations Iraq and Syria, the violence-torn country of Mexico, and the overwhelmed lands of the European Union ), so that peaceful and healthy prosperity might prevail, the unfortunate relieved of their distresses, your church live quietly and safely, and your Gospel go out unhindered. Direct in our country those who speak where many listen, and write what many read; that they may do their part in making the hearts of this people wise, their mind sound, and their wills righteous. Rain down health on the sick and ailing, fortify those receiving treatment for serious diseases, provide sanity for those troubled in mind and heart, and g...