Zephaniah: Preparing for the Coming of Christ Pt 3

Preparing for the Coming of Christ-3 Zephaniah 3.1-20 {For this sermon, you will really be helped by listening while reviewing the manuscript. Here is the Audio File } Merciful God, who did send your messengers the prophets – including Zephaniah – to preach repentance and prepare the way of salvation: Give us grace to heed their warnings, forsake our sins, and prepare for the coming of Christ that we may greet with joy the coming of our Redeemer. Amen (adapted and modified from The Book of Common Prayer ). One aspect of Christmas time is how easily we get lost in the scurrying about with the preening of trees, decking homes with wreaths, buying clothes and toys, travelling and visiting family. Nothing wrong with any of those things, it’s just how easily and quickly they can consume us. But the true tale that lies behind Christmas is about God coming in Jesus Christ, establishing his presence among humanity ( Immanuel ) and moving humanity , history and his handiwork...