Praying Psalm 94

At three set points of the first half of the day, from 5.15 AM until about 1 PM, I have three devotional/prayer times. In all three the Psalms figure large; I use them sequentially at all three times. Also, during Terce (mid-morning prayers) I always use the Psalms from either the 1928 Book of Common Prayer , or from the King James Version – because I love the older, poetic language. It was during the mid-morning prayers that I came to Psalm 94. Whatever the reason, this Psalm resonated with me in a very enlivened way. It has nothing to do with the American elections and their results, but, rather, with our world, with the agony of so many and the abuse by so many: Fellow Christians in countless countries and conditions pressed down upon by war, poverty, brigandry and governmental atrocities; hordes of men, women and children confiscated and confined, to be used up (in slavery and for sex), and once used up, discarded into the rubbish bin of history (sometimes literally thrown aw...