Prayers During Midterm Elections...And Beyond.

(I took one of the carvings I was working on with me to the polls as I voted. That's him on top of the sign, proudly wearing his "I Voted" sticker.) As I listen to people talk, as I hear Christians fret, and as I watch news and social media begin to rouse from it's breathlessness, I thought of some prayers that might be useful for this season. In fact, these would always be useful. I took them from the Book of Common Prayer years ago, and tweaked them in ways that seem fuller and better to me. I hope you find them beneficial. Do feel free to share them with others. ---- Most loving heavenly Father, who desires us To give thanks for all things; To fear nothing but you; And to cast all our care upon you who cares for us: Preserve us from faithless fears And worldly anxieties, And grant that no clouds of this mortal life May hide from us the light of your immortal love Which you have manifested unto us in your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ---- O God, you made us ...