"Call to Action" by Alun Ebenezer. A Review

As a dad of daughters and sons, I've always looked for resources to read with them and help bring about discussions. As they got older we went this way, and then that to try and achieve some aspect of "covering all our bases," as the saying goes. Even though my children have all moved on into adulthood, I still look for resources for other parents. So I was interested in "Call to Action: Become the Man God Designed You to Be." This wee 128-page manual looked to be something I would have used when the kids still lived at home. Alun Ebenezer, CEO and Executive Headmaster of Fulham Boys School in London, England, has given parents and youth ministers a little handbook they might just find useful. The working assumption in the book is, if "you get the men, you get the home, the church, and the culture" (viii), and that seems right to me. This small compendium includes 30 short chapters that cover a number of aspects fathers, mothers, and pastors would li...