"Prayers for Trump" by Charles M. Garriott. A Review

Prayers for Trump: Petitions for the 45 th President Charles M. Garriott Riott Publishing, LLC 3731 Van Ness Street NW Washington, DC 20016 ISBN: 978-0-9762004-5-1; $18.99; March 2017 5 stars of 5 There are sparks and censures on the one side as well as applause and admiration on the other. And in between are oodles of worried and baffled looks from those in the middle. But if one claims to be a Christian, there is one thing for certain, no matter how one voted or didn’t vote, we have a biblical obligation to pray for the President, whether we consider him our President or not. And that’s the well-reasoned premise of Charles “Chuck” Garriott, Presbyterian minister, founder and director of Ministry to State, and accomplished author, in his soon-to-be published 96 page hardcover, “Prayers for Trump: Petitions for the 45 th President”. This nonpartisan compendium is meant to be useful for pastors and parishioners alike as they seek to navigate their Christian respon...