With Wisdom and Quiet Fidelity

(The picture is "Daniel in the Lions Den," 1872 (oil on canvas) by Briton Riviere (1840-1920)) In my morning devotional reading I have been working through Daniel. A few thoughts struck me that I am sharing with you. To begin, Daniel was written at a time when God’s people, being disciplined for corporate infidelity, were taken captive into exile. That means Daniel not only tells us the stories of 4 Jewish young men and Daniel’s visions, but it was written for guidance for those now captured by non-Jewish forces. Chapters 1-6 are examples of how to live and serve under pagan authorities – who only rule at God’s whim. And chapters 7-12, declare that these national and political powers will not always be in place, because God is working out big things. But now I zero in on chapters 1, 3, and 6. In the first chapter, God gives. He gives Jehoiakim into Nebuchadnezzar’s hand (v.2). He gives captive Daniel favor with his superior (v.9), and he gives the four lads learning, skill ...