Book Review: "The People of God" by Trevor Joy and Spence Shelton

The People of God: Empowering the Church to Make Disciples Trevor Joy and Spence Shelton B & H Publishing Group One LifeWay Plaza Nashville, TN 37234 ISBN: 9781433683701; $14.99; May 2014 Reviewed by Rev. Dr. Michael Philliber for Deus Misereatur Crafting Community – 4 stars out of 5 Small groups, care groups, life groups, groups, groups, groups! Small groups have become fairly standard fare in many churches, to the point that they have almost become the primary marker in peoples’ minds of whether a congregation is a true Church of Jesus Christ, or a cheap imitation. Yet, if you have been a Christian some length of time, or a pastor with some mileage under your belt, you know that small groups are a mixed bag. Nevertheless, there is something intuitively right and fitting about having little gatherings of God’s people, especially in larger and more geographically scattered churches. Trevor Joy, Spiritual Formation Pastor of the ...