"Numbers" by Jay Sklar - a Review

No one, just no one in their right mind writes a commentary on the book of Numbers, the fourth book of the Hebrew Scriptures. No one with any sense would dare delve into the tedium and trivialities of censuses and ancestry. No one with any sense, right? But lo-and-behold, Jay Sklar, vice president of academics and professor of Old Testament at Covenant Seminary, St. Louis Missouri, did just that! Adding his voice to “The Story of God Bible Commentary” series put out by Zondervan Academic, Sklar gives readers a 472-page hardback that will walk them through all of Numbers in a way that will surprise them. This straightforward, readable, and engaging (yes, I said it) commentary will take those who dare, and give them hope and direction and, most of all, it will give them Jesus. As is standard in Zondervan’s “The Story of God Bible Commentary” the Scripture text is the NIV (2011) as the starting point of each chapter. Then it works through the passage by explaining what wa...