"Calvinism for a Secular Age" ed. by Joustra and Joustra. A Review

I cut my young Calvinist teeth on the work. It gave me such a boost in my perceptions and has lingered in the back of my head for decades. It was Abraham Kuyper’s “Stone Lectures” which he gave at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1898. Recently a new 248-page work has arrived on the scene to revive interest in Kuyper’s “Stone Lectures” for our time in history, “Calvinism for a Secular Age: A Twenty-First Century Reading of Abraham Kuyper’s Stone Lectures”. The editors, Jessica R. Joustra, assistant professor of religion and theology at Redeemer University and associate researcher at the Neo-Calvinist Research Institute at the Theological University of Kampen, and Robert J. Joustra, associate professor of politics and international studies and founding director of the Centre for Christian Scholarship at Redeemer University College, have pulled together a team of writers to address Kuyper’s lectures, the history of the lecture manuscripts, and Kuyper’s role in South African apartheid. ...