"Rebels and Exiles" by Matthew S. Harmon. A Review

Rebels and Exiles: A Biblical Theology of Sin and Redemption Matthew S. Harmon IVP Academic www.ivpress.com ISBN: 978-0-8308-5541-4; October 2020; $22.00 Many centuries ago an African pastor and theologian wrote the story of his life as a prayer. He began his prayerful tale with these words, “You awake us to delight in your praise; for you made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you” (Augustine, “Confessions,” Book 1, Sec. 1). That restless longing is chronicled in a new 184-page paperback by Matthew S. Harmon, commentary writer, author, and professor of New Testament studies at Grace College and Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana. “Rebels and Exiles: A Biblical Theology of Sin and Redemption,” one of the most recent installments in IVP Academic’s “The Essential Studies in Biblical Theology” edited by Benjamin L. Gladd, is an easy trek through the Scripture’s story, circling back round to the longing of our restless ...