"Arise, O LORD" - 7 June 2015 PM

Arise, O LORD, and let your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate you flee before You (Numbers 10.35). We pray for Your Church throughout the nations, for Britton Christian Church; Crown Heights Christian; Del City Christian; East 6 th St. Christian; and Edmond Trinity Christian Church : That you would kindly smile upon them and prosper their work that is being done for your honor, for Christ’s reign, and according to your will. Fill them with your Holy Spirit; guide them along your ways of truth and righteousness; and deliver them from the evil one. O Lord, hear our prayer. Be with us in this congregation, Good Lord, and help us to count it all joy when we fall into various trials, so that as our faith is being tested it might be strengthened, and patient endurance would grow large, and we would, one-and-all, increase in godly maturity. Assist us in becoming makers of disciples of Christ, adding to our number such as are being saved. And go before our team as we h...