Calvinism: The Theology of the Praying Man
I find it interesting that when the most strident anti-Calvinists pray, they pray like Calvinists. I have been reading a work by a Russian Orthodox monk, Archimandrite Sophrony. He wrote a few pieces on prayer and the one I'm reading is, "His Life is Mine." In this book he makes his pointed jabs against predestination (though he doesn't define what he means by it), and against God "coercing" or "compelling" any person. Yet in chapter 6 of his book he printed a prayer he prayed daily. Interestingly, I do believe any good Calvinist could pray this prayer. Maybe this puts the truth to the assertion J.I Packer once made, that a Christian on his knees prays like a Calvinist ("Evangelism and the Soverienty of God"). Or maybe to say it another way will help, Calvinism is the theology of the praying man. Here is the prayer: Prayer at Daybreak "O Lord Eternal and Creator of all things, Who of Your inscrutable goodness did call me to thi...