"The Day the Revolution Began" by N.T. Wright. A Review

The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus's Crucifixion N.T. Wright HarperOne ISBN: 978-0062334381; October 2016; $28.99 Reviewed by the Rev. Dr. Michael W. Philliber 5 Stars of 5 While taking up a scholarly book, I find it helpful to read it with two minds simultaneously. The first simply tackles the work as a reader/learner to appreciatively gain as much as possible from the author’s investigation, insights and inferences. The second is a more studied approach that withholds verdicts until the end, looks for streams of developing thought, repetition of concepts, and seeks out answers to questions the manuscript raises. Both minds are needed when reading N.T. Wright’s latest 448 page hardback, “The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus’s Crucifixion.” This document is intended to reach a wide audience, carrying them along well-reasoned trails that travel smoothly and without any footnotes to turn their ankles on, unti...