Zephaniah: Preparing for the Coming of Christ Pt 2

Preparing for the Coming of Christ-2 Zephaniah 2.1-15 { Audio File } God of might, majesty and impartiality, who is just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus; come and help us as we wrestle with your Word in Zephaniah, and assist us to prepare for the coming of Christ. Amen Christmas can be a two-edged sword for many. Even in our annual family festivities we know this; sometimes joy mixed with anxiety; sometimes good memories are jumbled up with bad ones; sometimes celebration is clasped hand in hand with sadness. But more than our own personal struggles, the initial coming of Christ (the story that lurks behind Christmas) was also a two-edged sword: good news for some, grievous news for others (Just think of Matthew 2 Herod/Magi). For at the first coming of Christ the Lord the day of the Lord began, Christ came and as he came (like a thief in the night) he will again come, and we need to prepare for the coming of Christ [ BTW, I appreciated our Choir’s ...