"Frameworks: How to Navigate the New Testament" by Eric Larson, a Review

Frameworks: How to Navigate the New TestamentFrameworks: How to Navigate the New Testament by Eric  Larson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

For the novice and knowledgeable, fathoming the flow of Holy Scripture can be a bit of a daunting task. Especially in a day when ministers, media and mentors are often spooning out a "sound-byte theology" and folks normally get snippets of verses. Here is where the beauty of "Frameworks," by Eric Larson, a Bible teacher at Cornerstone Fellowship in Livermore, California, comes out in full blossom. This textbook sized, 372 page glossy paperback, is succinct, informative and visually appealing.

The first section of "Frameworks" gives a brief, bird's-eye view of the life of Jesus with simple maps and creative handles a reader can latch on to. The material in this segment is meant to help the reader know the general narrative landscape of Jesus' life so when they delve into one of the Gospel accounts they have a sense of where they are and where they're headed. The charts are presented in such a way that a quick glance gets the point and grasps the purpose.

The second section of the volume goes New Testament book by New Testament book. The author gives some salient information about the author, then  briefly explains why the book was written, moves to a brief outline of the New Testament document being discussed, quotes the main verses, answers the question of how to navigate that book, brings out questions to ask while reading or studying the New Testament book, and finally encapsulates one insight to take away. Each chapter is punctuated by uncomplicated graphs, diagrams, and visual aids that help create mental hooks to hang concepts on and retain.

"Frameworks" would make an important addition to a family's library, and will likely get dog-eared and tattered quickly as kids and adults pour over its pages.This book should find its way into the hands of Sunday School teachers and disciplers to not only strengthen their grasp of Scripture, but aid them in guiding others as well. I highly recommend the book.

View all my reviews

A free copy of "Frameworks" was provided for this review.


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