Vespers - 12 November 2017

(For hardship): Almighty God, whose thoughts are not our thoughts and whose ways are not our ways; you never pledged us an easy life; you never guaranteed us unending success; yet we affirm with Proverbs and the Shorter Catechism, that as long as it serves for your glory and our own good, there is the promise of long life and prosperity. We pray with, and pray for, those who are facing various hardships….Some are in deep desperation; others find themselves dented and debilitated; several are staggering; and not a few are stumped. O Lord, you who care about these and their predicament, bring them the props and provisions they are in need of. Send them hope and help. And may they all come to rise up and rejoice in you and your name. O Lord, hear our prayer. (For family): Your Sacred Scriptures remind us constantly that you are a God who enters into a covenant with people – not a business contract, but adoption and a marriage! You often display your relationships in family terms...