"Hear Our Prayer" - 22 September 2024

Father, because of your Son Jesus the Messiah; because of your Holy Spirit by whom your love is poured into our hearts; and because of your strongly guaranteed promise, we make bold to pray to you. Bring the unruliness and agitation of all the nations of this world to a place of peace, orderliness, and the rule of just law so that peaceful and healthy prosperity might prevail, your church may live quietly and safely in all places, and your Gospel run swiftly and unhindered. This brings us to pray for those who lead the various nations, to include our own President, Governor, and Mayor. Surround them with those who will boldly and wisely counsel them to do right, defend the right, and lead their people to that which is right. Guide each to recognize that their office is not theirs to dispose of as they chose, but rather is given by you and accountable to you. Bring them to recognize that they – one and all – will stand before you, the Judge of the living and the dead to give an ac...