"Lord God the Almighty, Who Delights..." - 5 August 2018

(This picture is from the conflict that is presently breaking out in Cameroon, which is on the western side of central Africa) Lord God the Almighty, who delights in executing lovingkindness, justice and righteous throughout the earth, we pray for the Church and our world: For all of those who are oppressed, enslaved, abused, tormented by the cruelties of others, forced into bondage, shackled to destructive addictions, or held captive be thugs and drug cartels, we pray: Lord have mercy on them . For those who are being truly persecuted for the Christian Faith around the world, in the Middle East, Rwanda, Asia, and numerous other places, we pray: Christ have mercy on them . For those who are working in the name of Christ to alleviate poverty, famine, plague, and injustices of every kind, we pray: Lord have mercy on them and grant them success in their endeavors. For your Church throughout the world, this congregation, Heritage Baptist Church, Highland Baptist, Highland Hills Baptist,...