Book Review: "Basil of Caesarea" by Stephen M. Hildebrand

Net Galley Review Basil of Caesarea Stephen M. Hildebrand [In the Foundations of Theological Exegesis and Christian Spirituality series, eds. Hans Boersma and Mark Levering] Baker Academic (March 18, 2014) ISBN: 9780801049071; $26.99 For many Protestants, especially Evangelicals, the early church pastors and theologians are something of a closed book. They sit at a far distance from the modern pressures and progresses, and appear to have little to say to Christians in the 21st Century. But there is a new move afoot that is attempting to retrieve our forbearers in the faith and make them accessible for Evangelicals, and one of the feeder-streams in the ressourcement rivulet is Baker Academic’s “ Foundations of Theological Exegesis and Christian Spirituality ” series, edited by Hans Boersma and Mark Levering. The third volume of this series has now arrived on the scene; the 224 page paperback, “Basil of Caesarea” by Steph...