"Black Silent Majority" by Michael Fortner. A Review

Single-cause interpretations are a huge problem. They are tools used by ideologues to convince people to step into the “Us vs. Them” morass. It stirs polarization and partisanship. Single-cause interpretations are a serious problem. But a single-cause interpretation is not to be found in the 368-page hardback “ Black Silent Majority: The Rockefeller Drug Laws and the Politics of Punishment ” written by Michael Javen Fortner , who was Assistant Professor and Academic Dean of Urban Studies at the CUNY School of Professional Studies and is presently Associate Professor of Government at Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, California. It’s a slow read filled with details, data, and reports of and by real people. It is an essential read, especially if one is concerned with penal reforms, or restoring racial relationships. Fortner put this book together “because the literature on mass incarceration neglected the voices of working- and middle-class African Americans dealing ...