Book Review: "Four Views on the Historical Adam"

Net Galley Review Four Views on the Historical Adam By Matthew Barrett , Ardel Caneday , Denis Lamoureux , John H. Walton , C. John Collins , William D. Barrick , Gregory A. Boyd , Philip G. Ryken , Stanley N. Gundry. Zondervan Grand Rapids, MI 49530 ISBN: 9780310499275; $19.99, 10 December 2013. Reviewed by Rev. Dr. Michael Philliber for Deus Misereatur . We were sitting in one of the local pubs, doctoral students from diverse denominations and deep in our ministries. We were talking about our theses topics, when suddenly the conversation turned on whether or not Adam and Eve were genuinely historical persons. I was the only one in a self-professed Evangelical denomination. The others came from clans that had a reputation for being rather “broad” on Biblical authority and historicity. It was a relatively awkward moment, until things moved on. But I distinctly remember thinking then, in 2006, that I was glad to be an Evangelical where ...