Books and Commentaries by Dr. Dale Ralph Davis

From 1996 to 2000 Dr. Dale Ralph Davis was one of my Old Testament professors at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi. From 1998 to 2002 Dr. Davis became a dear friend as I served a small, rural Presbyterian church in Mississippi. He would always open the door of his study for me and allow me to "unload" my woes, and then he would spend time praying with me and for me. Even after we went to different parts of the country (he to Mississippi and South Carolina; and I to Texas and Oklahoma), we have remained in contact. I have always found Dr. Davis's commentaries and books solid in their scholarship, warm in their application, Gospel-focused in their direction and demeanor, and devotional in their observations. As he works his readers through Scripture, he always seems to have one eye on how to preach the Old Testament, and the other eye on how to minister to the preacher, and the preacher's congregation. I simply cannot recommend his books enough!...