You Are the LORD, and There Is No Other - 15 August 2021

Our Father, you are the LORD, and there is no other. You form the light and create darkness; you make peace and create calamity (Isaiah 45:7). You, O LORD, do all these things that all may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides you. It is to you that we come and pray, in the strength of the Spirit and dressed in the righteousness of Christ Jesus. Mighty God, rebuild and refurbish peace, order, and justice in the nations of the world, especially Afghanistan, Cuba, Ethiopia, Haiti, (…) so that the peoples in these lands may live safely, thrive soundly, and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bring relief to those in our own country who have been hit hard by financial woes, lost all of their belongings in wildfires and by severe drought, or been knocked down with sudden grief. Give our elected and appointed leaders prudence and perseverance in governing our debt that we may not misuse or misspend our future. Preside over the decisions of our judges to...