Arrogant Abomination

(This was the short, 20 minute homily I gave on 28 August 2022 as we moved to install an elder for our congregation, and three deacons. If you would like to listen to it, click on the title below, I've linked the audio file.) Abominable Arrogance Proverbs 16:5; 1 Peter 5:1-7 It’s not a popular topic to speak against. You see, it’s a trait that our society holds as one of its respectable sins. It can get one voted into public office. It promotes one to CEO of the company. It helps junior officers to make their way up the chain of command. It assists husbands to “win” dominance in the homes and wives to get their way. It is often touted as what it means to love oneself, in modern self-help parlance. And it builds churches – or at least, adds large numbers to religious organizations and fellowships. In fact, I can say from years of experience, it lingers in the shadows just behind the doors and just around the corners in many ecclesiastical establishments. It’s not a po...