
Showing posts from May 7, 2017

Facing Down la Santa Muerte

Facing Down la Santa Muerte (Recently I met with a young man in his mid-20s and we talked about this subject. That got my wheels turning. And so, taking my cue from the religious cult in Mexico, "Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte" “Our Lady of Holy Death,” I would like to talk about facing down death.) La Santa Muerte lingers around in the shimmering shadows of my periphery at every doctor’s appointment; at every exploratory medical procedure; at every birthday; with every new ache and pain in my body. And she would pirouette around Paul, as can be seen in how often he addresses his own death in Philippians, 2 Corinthians and 2 Timothy; and yet Paul would respond: “ as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain ” (Philippians 1.20-21). Before we co any further, let me ask you: What ...

"O Lord God, Our Refuge" - 7 May 2017

O Lord God, our refuge, our hiding place in the storm, our mighty Savior triumphant over your and our foes; we give thanks to you and declare that your steadfast love endures forever! Mighty Ruler and only real Potentate; king of kings and Lord of lords (1Timothy 6.15); who elevates nations and empires to employ them for your own purposes, and topples them when they have soured and sunk into sin: we pray for our country and our leaders to include our State Representatives such as Scooter Park; David Perryman; John Pfeiffer; and Eric Proctor . Preserve us but not in our sin. Preserve us as a nation of justice and righteousness, even if it’s only a civil righteousness! Grant us to see our self-destructive ways with honesty and clarity, and to turn from them, just as Nineveh turned from its ruin at the preaching of Jonah. Hear our prayer, O LORD. Kingship belongs to the LORD, and he rules over the nations (Psalm 22.28)! Rule over, and where necessary, overrule the actions and...