Ask, Seek, Knock: Help for Not Being Judgmental While Exercising Proper Judgment

(This was my pastoral letter I sent to my congregation today, 2 August 2023) This Sunday, our New Testament reading will be Matthew 7:7-11. I think the context of those verses is very important. Since I don’t want to get distracted with these details on Sunday, I’m sharing them with you now. Most Christians know our Lord’s promising offer in Matthew 7:7-11. Ask, seek, and knock and you will receive, find, and get access. Even evil people know how to give good things, so how much more does our very good Father? It is an encouraging passage. But it actually has a specific context that adds a deeper, more pointed application. Our Lord begins by talking about the difference between judgmentalism and having good judgment (discernment, if you will). First, he addresses judgmentalism (7:1-5): “ Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in ...