
Showing posts from January 6, 2019

"Domestic Abuse: Help for the Sufferer" by Darby Strickland. A Review

Domestic Abuse: Help for the Sufferer by Darby A. Strickland My rating: 5 of 5 stars You find out that your loved one is being berated by their spouse, verbally and emotionally beat into submission. Your Christian neighbor comes over to talk, and begins to pour out their heart describing how their spouse demands their submission, even quoting the Scriptures that talk about male headship, spiritually pounding them into shame. What help can you give, if any? Maybe you find yourself in a cycle of physical, verbal, or emotional violence that comes around after a season of apologies, flowers and sweets. You start noticing that the next stage is the increase of blame from your significant other - "If you hadn't have burned the toast, I wouldn't have exploded like that," or some-such. All of these situations and more are covered in Darby Strickland's "Domestic Abuse: Help for the Sufferer." This small booklet is crammed full of helpful information, heartfel...

"Loving Father, We Thank You..." - 6 January 2019

Loving Father, we thank you for your constant care for us personally and corporately; we thank you for how you have brought many people into this congregation’s life over the years; we thank you for your consistent provisions; and we thank you for bringing us to a new year. O God, please renew our spirits by your Holy Spirit, and draw our hearts unto yourself; so that our work may not be a burden but a delight; and give us such a mighty love for you as may sweeten all our obedience. Let us not serve you with the spirit of bondage as slaves, but with cheerfulness and gladness as children, delighting ourselves in you and rejoicing in your will (adapted from “Spend and Be Spent,” 12). Look upon your Church throughout the world, and look on St. Patrick’s Church, St. Paul the Apostle Parish, St. Philip Neri Church, and Liberty Worship Center. Bestow your preserving care and guide them in the paths of righteousness for your name’s sake. Build up their resolve in tenacious faithfulne...