Peace - John 14:27

(The following was what I wrote to my congregation today - 9 August 2023) Yesterday in my morning Bible reading, I was in John 14. I ended up spending some time pondering v.27. Our Lord was giving final words to his disciples not too many hours before he was arrested, tried, and crucified. He had just promised that they would receive the paraklete , the helper/counselor/comforter (v.25-26), and then said: “ Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid .” “ Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you . ” Normally we hear the word “peace” and think that means the absence of conflict. But as is clear in John 13-17, and the fact our Lord is about to be arrested, tried and slaughtered, that can’t be the case. Conflict will continue all around God’s people, and sometimes it will be aimed at God’s people. That’s what makes our Lord’s words here so important. H...