Bodies, Begging, Posture, Praying: Reflections on 1 Kings 17.21

As I’m contemplating the sermon for this Lord’s Day (1 Kings 17.1-24 and Sola Scriptura ), there is one thing that strikes me about Elijah stretching himself out on the dead child three times and passionately praying, “ O LORD my God, let this child's life come into him again ” (21). Elijah is not exercising some shamanistic witch-doctor gyrations, but instead he is heaving his body into his begging ; he is throwing his posture into his prayer . The question that some may have is, is this biblical and is it Reformed? Let’s listen to two biblical and Reformed scholars separated by hundreds of years, and see what they say: “And kneeling down. The inward affection is indeed the chiefest thing in prayer; yet the external signs, as kneeling, uncovering of the head, lifting up of the hands , have a double use; the first is, that we exercise all our members to the glory and worship of God ; secondly , that by this exercise our sluggishness may be awakened, as it were. There is als...