"For the Glory of God" by Daniel I. Block, a Review

For the Glory of God: Recovering a Biblical Theology of Worship Daniel I. Block Baker Academic Baker Publishing Group 6030 East Fulton Road Ada, MI 49301 www.bakerpublishinggroup.com Hardback – ISBN: 9780801026980; e-book – ISBN: 9781441245632; August 2014; $34.99 Reviewed by Rev. Dr. Michael Philliber. 4 Stars out of 5 Measured Examination In numerous aspects, the subject of “Worship” is tired and tuckered out. The “Worship Wars” have ground on for decades with no real resolution. Simultaneously, the Christian music industry continues to shape what is, and isn’t, sung in churches via Christian Radio and chart-topping hits. Also many popular and prosperous churches have moved to a Burger King - “Have it your way” – approach to Christian worship, as evidenced by everything from voluntary communion to multiple “worship services” conducted concurrently in the same building, each catering to niche populations. It seems that the whole subject of worship is no longer worth wrestli...