"Sensitive Preaching to the Sexually Hurting" by Dr. Sam Serio. A Review

Many years back I was working with teenagers from all over a west Texas city. After giving a Gospel presentation, talking about the Father’s love for his people, and so forth, I dismissed the kids. But there was one teenage girl left in the room, and she was weeping. I asked an older couple to stay in the room at the back while I talked to her. When I sat down to see why she was crying and maybe how I could help, her situation unfolded before me. My talk about a Father’s love left her cold and crushed. Her father left her as a child, and several of the adult males in her family (stepfather, uncle, etc.) had abused her, both physically and sexually. I was face-to-face with the outworkings of evil, the lasting damage it causes, and the way it keeps hearts away from God and his love. With that experience in the back of my mind I was delighted, and keenly interested, when I received “Sensitive Preaching for the Sexually Hurting,” a 208-page softback published in 2016. The book is pen...