Thoughts on Conspiracies

They're persistent, and crop up in surprising places: at that family gathering, at the Bible study, in Christian books and videos, rally speeches, etc. I have my own history with them. From 1990 to around 1995, I was engaged with various conspiracy theories, even (for a short time) leading a chapter of fellow travelers who thought the Communists/Trilateral Commission/Council on Foreign Relations/etc. were The Conspirators. In that season I came into close contact with White Supremacists who thought the same and touted the idea that "The Jews" were behind it all. But since leaving that all behind, I have reflected often on what made the conspiracy theories so attractive, and still makes them attractive. I have five perceptions listed below: 1 - "Conspiracy" is an easy way to explain the baffling, confusing, unsettling troubles afflicting us, or our nation, or our tribe. "Conspiracy" gives us a simple, unifying answer to what is disturbing and disorient...