"Defending Sin" by Hans Madueme. A Review

Defending Sin: A Response to the Challenges of Evolution and the Natural Sciences Hans Madueme Baker Academic BakerAcademic.com ISBN: 9780801098000; May 2024; $36.99 It often feels weird to be part of something so old school as to actually believe that God specifically created all things out of nothing. Or that humankind is actually not part of a long and natural process of climbing upward out of a millions-of-years evolving framework. Especially when scientists assume it, academicians presume it, Psychologists accept it, and an increasing number of Christian scholars and theologians try hard to make it a suitable part of Christianity. Recently Hans Madueme has come to the aid of those of us who feel like we’re in the weird group with his 368-page paperback, “Defending Sin: A Response to the Challenges of Evolution and the Natural Sciences”. Madueme is professor of theological studies at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, and senior editor of Sapientia . T...