Two-Fold Orthodoxy

(The following is from my letter to the congregation today, 25 October 2023) In 1971, Francis Schaeffer published “The Church at the End of the 20 th Century” where he gave several far-sighted warnings of what was coming down the pike, and what we should do. His primary emphasis for the future was on two major needs for the church as it weathers the storms ahead: orthodoxy of doctrine, and orthodoxy of community. Regarding the orthodoxy of community, he placed love and unity as the centerpiece: “Our Christian organizations must be communities in which others see what God has revealed in the teaching of His word. They should see…that it is possible to have something beautiful and unusual in this world in our communication and in communities at this point of history. We may preach truth. We may preach orthodoxy. We may even stand against the practice of untruth strongly. But if others cannot see something beautiful in our human relationships, if they do not see that upon the bas...