"To Return" - Reflections Stimulated by Amos 4:6-12

(This is from my letter to my congregation today, 18 October 2023. The candidate for Speaker of the House lost a second vote on this day) When there are national troubles, civil strife, crop failures or cataclysmic events and the suchlike, people cry out in alarm and anger or fear. But behind those situations there may well be the divine intent of bringing about national or regional changes; specifically, to bring about a social change of moral direction. You see this when you delve into the prophet Amos, for example. In Amos 4, especially 6-12, God points out several disastrous situations he brought about on his people. Massive food shortages (6), drought (7-8), crop diseases and failures (9), pandemic (10), and national destruction (11). But at the end of each one of these tragedies God says, “‘ yet you did not return to me,’ declares the LORD .” Each successive calamity was meant as a wake-up call to bring social change, but the people refused to wake up. ...