
Showing posts from December 27, 2020

Prayer for the New Year - 2021

  He sends out his command to the earth; his word runs swiftly.  He gives snow like wool; he scatters frost like ashes.  He hurls down his crystals of ice like crumbs; who can stand before his cold?  He sends out his word, and melts them;  he makes his wind blow and the waters flow. (Psalm 147:15-18) Creator and provider, who lifts up our heads when we are weighed down with troubles and grief; who keeps count of our tears and pains; who sends forth fresh reminders of your grace, mercy, majesty and grandeur. We bring our past year to you, like children with tear-stained faces, holding their broken toy out to their daddy. But we also bring to you this new year, like little kids rushing to the window pane, spying the thrill of a new snowy day! May what we have experienced season us that we may be wiser, more appreciative of the gift of life, more thankful for this day with family and friends, more humble in our plans and achievements. And may the promise of the com...

Praying Scripture - A Short Example

  It is recounted that the great 18th Century preacher, George Whitefield, fashioned his devotional reading time in a rigorous manner as a young believer. He would spend an hour on his knees pouring over the Greek New Testament, then read Matthew Henry's Commentary , and finally he would pray over every line and word of both the English translation and Greek New Testament "till the passage, in its essential message, has veritably become part of his own soul" (Arnold Dallimore, " George Whitfield ," Vol. 1, pg 83). It's a milder form of this last part of Whitefield's early habit that has become something of my own practice, which I am sharing with you in brief. As I read through the Psalms daily, I find them inviting me to follow Whitefield's fashion. Thus, to read Psalm 5 ( you can pull it up here ) one notices that it voices a treacherous situation going on in David's life. And so, here's how my prayer from Psalm 5 looks. See if it fits your...

Glory Be To God On High! - 27 December 2020

  Glory be to God on high, and in earth peace, goodwill towards men; we praise you, we bless you, we worship you, we glorify you, we give thanks to you, for your great glory. O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. O Lord, the only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takes away the sin of the world, have mercy upon us. You that take away the sin of the world, receive our prayer. You that sit at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For you only are holy; you only are the Lord; you only, O Christ, with the Holy Spirit, are most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen . Great King and Sovereign look upon our country and the nations of this world, especially Ethiopia, Peru, Bangladesh, and the UK. May all know your peace on earth, becoming men and women of goodwill. O God of armies send forth your angels to preserve and protect our firefighters, Law Enforcement Officers, and our military members. Yahweh Rapha...