"The Earliest Christologies" by James L. Papandrea. A Review.

The Earliest Christologies: Five Images of Christ in the Postapostolic Age James L. Papandrea IVP Academic (InterVarsity Press) PO Box 1400 Downers Grove, IL 60515 ISBN: 978-0-8308-5127-0; $18.00; May 2016 Reviewed by Rev. Dr. Michael Philliber for Deus Misereatur Happily in the Middle; 5 Stars out of 5 If Richard Weaver was correct in positing that ideas have consequences, then in the same vein Christologies have corollaries and repercussions. James L. Papandrea, author, speaker, musician and associate professor of church history at Garrett-Evangelical Seminary at Northwestern University, champions exactly this premise in his soon-to-be published 144 page paperback, “The Earliest Christologies: Five Images of Christ in the Postapostolic Age”. In this short, readable work Papandrea sets four aspiring Christologies, from the late first and second Centuries, beside the Christology of the mainstream or majority Church from the same period. Though at first glan...