
Showing posts from February 24, 2013

Heralds of God

Heralds Of God by James S. Stewart My rating: 5 of 5 stars I loved the book. A valuable help through and through. still relevant even 66 years after it was published. If you are a preacher/pastor/priest I highly, highly recommend this book. it will fill you with renewed hope and conviction, correct your rambling tendencies, and help you with direction. Get it and read it ASAP! View all my reviews

Book Review: Psalms for All Seasons: A Complete Psalter for Worship

Psalms for All Seasons: A Complete Psalter for Worship Joyce Borger, Martin Tel, John D. Witvliet Faith Alive Christian Resources 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49560 ISBN: 978-1-59255-444-7; $29.99; 2012. Reviewed by Dr. Michael Philliber for Deus Misereatur (3/13) Multifarious Psalter (2 stars out of 5) I am always delighted when the Psalms are returned to the Church’s active consciousness. The recent spate of breviaries, Psalters, and books of metered Psalms is a delightful change. And a good attempt at bringing the Psalter into usable form has been done with the "Psalms for All Seasons." This hardback edition is a joint venture of Brazos Press, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, and Faith Alive Christian Resources, and fills 1132 pages. “Psalms for All Seasons” uses all 150 Psalms, and then lumbers its way through various and multiple forms, from responsive readings, to metered Psalms for singing, to newer songs that ...

A Presbyterian Prayer Book? Something Like That.

I just finished reading through the 2 volume work originally crafted in 1867 by Charles W. Shields D.D., titled "The Book of Common Prayer As Amended by the Westminster Divines." [The document can be found at Google Books. Follow this link: ] The first volume looks to me to be simply the 1662 Book of Common Prayer with changes, or emendations  some minor, and some clearly noticeable  The changes came from some of the very theologians who worked on the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the "Directory for Publick Worship" a few years before. In the second volume is where the the editor/author explains the history, background, and purpose of the work.The explanatory notes are a longish section, something of an apologia as to why Presbyterians get the Hives when it comes to prescribed forms of liturgy. Nevertheless, there were some i...

Pastoral/Congregational Prayer-24 February 2013

{As always, you have my permission to use this in your church, community, or home. If you like it, please tell others about this blog-Mike} O Lord God, there is no one holy like you, for there is no god besides you, nor is there any rock like our God; We offer up to you our thanksgiving for all your generosity to us……We pray for your church throughout the nations, as well as for Christ Church-Carrolton TX; Westminster Theological Seminary-PA , that you give them all the resources they need to serve you properly and well, and the heart they need to serve You in sincerity. Deliver our brothers and sisters who are being hounded and harmed for the faith that they may serve you in peace, joy and safety. Be with these churches in the area: Edmond Church of Christ, Philadelphia Church of God, 1 st UMC, Highland Park Baptist Church, Cathedral of the Hills, Heritage Baptist Church, and Spring Creek Assembly of God ; Guide them in the ways of your truth and righteousness that they may sh...