Revival and Reformation Pt. 17: When Faith Fumbles, Fourth and Goal

[You can listen here while following the manuscript below] Revival and Reformation Pt 17 2 Chronicles 16 When Faith Fumbles, 4 th and Goal! Rightly, Lord, your true word both disturbs the comfortable, and comforts the disturbed. Show us the secrets of our own hearts this evening, and apply your medicinal salve for Christ’s sake. Amen. Consistency is not a normal human tendency. Blind spots, quirks of character, inabilities to see our own double standards – this is the normal human condition. And the same continues to haunt us once we have been brought into the family of God. In 2 Chronicles 16 we see an example of when Faith Fumbles, 4 th and Goal and it reminds us “ Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall ” (1 Corinthians 10.12). Chapter 16 is in the context of 14-15. Keep in the forefront of your mind 14.2 and 15. 17: God’s own description of Asa’s overall life and actions flavors even the final story with God’s mercy! But also...