"The Illustrated Westminster Shorter Catechism" by Green, Nezamutdinov, and Preston. A Review

The Illustrated Westminster Shorter Catechism There's an ancient Christian practice picked up from the past. It's meant to help kids learn the basics quickly, and in a way that's easy to recall. But it's also intended to shape young minds along the path of learning how to reason. This old practice is called the catechetical method, because it uses a catechism. What's a catechism? Hold tight and I'll explain in the next paragraph. But I mention this because very recently Andrew Green, Saško Nezamutdinov, and Ben Preston have pulled together an updated-language version of the 17th Century Westminster Shorter Catechism. And it's an illustrated version, with beautiful displays by Ira Minof. The 129-page glossy hardback has large print, easy on the eyes, and covers all 107 questions and answers. A catechism is a systematic program of teaching, by using a question to which the student answers with a set, or programmed, reply. It's just like when you say to t...