"O God Our Father, We Entreat You..." - 21 August 2022

O God our Father, we entreat you to make us a holy, joy-filled people in our homes, at work, and with our various networks of friends. May those who are married be free of strife, pettiness, and fear; may those who are single be chaste and holy, enjoying you in their God-ward singleness; may the children grow stronger in grace and wisdom, loving you all their days while obeying and honoring their parents; and may the elderly flourish in God-given strength, patience, and sound-mindedness. Please form us as a church that is instrumental in drawing the straying back to Christ and his church and bringing unbelievers to be born again by trusting in your Son Jesus Christ. We pray for your church in all realms and regions, along with these churches in the greater OKC area, Harvest Hills Baptist Church, Heritage Baptist, Highland, and Lighthouse Baptist Church. Grant them to find and live out the righteousness, peace and joy which are in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). For those who “ a...