Revival and Reformation Pt 16

{Preached last night at Heritage Presbyterian Church. Listen Here } Revival and Reformation Pt 16 2 Chronicles 15 Thank you, Lord God, that your Scriptures have been preserved through fire, decay, destruction, and time. Thank you that though nations and nasty people have tried to erase your holy Word it still remains long after they have vanished. So Lord, help us to not only appreciate the Scriptures – as at a distance, but this very day to be touched by your Book for our good and your honor, through Christ our Lord. Amen. What is the desire of your heart? What exactly do you seek and search for with all of your life energies? To answer these two questions is to show where your loyalties lie… Henry Scougal once said: “ The worth and excellency of a soul is to be measured by the object of its love ” (“The Life of God in the Soul of Man,” 62). This is what the Spirit-directed editors of 1 and 2 Chronicles are trying to press home on God’s people throughout the ages as...